2022. 10. 6. 13:11ㆍ카테고리 없음
synthesize: 합성하다라는 뜻인데 학술적 논문에서는 "이론을 종합하고 정리하다" 라는 맥락으로 많이 쓰임
예문: This study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) to synthesize the existing body of knowledge around Behavioral reasoning theory.
facets 측면, 양상 ~~ 이론의 측면, 양상들 이런식으로 쓰임
예문: Multiple facets of perceived value perceptions drive loyalty intentions
incumbent 현재 존재하는, 현직의 현역의
예문: Portable devices and internet-based streaming services have threatened both incumbent service providers and TV manufacturers.
proliferate: 증식하다, 점진적으로 커지다.
예문: Mobile banking (MB) involving the use of mobile devices to access bank accounts for conducting financial transactions has proliferated in recent years but inconsistently among banking customers.
undermine: 훼손하다.
예문: Sample’s unobserved heterogeneity bias can cause Type II error and thus undermine the effect on the dependent variable.
priori segmentation: 시장조사나 데이터 패턴에 따른 세분화가 아닌 기존의 이론과 가정에 세분화 하는 방법 반의어는 hoc segmentation이라고 할 수 있음
compromising: 타협하다, 훼손하다, 저하시키다.
예문: We need a new method that preserves the complexity of behavior data, without compromising the ability to detect pattern changes.
granularity: 세분성, 세부적인 사항 정도로 많이 쓰임
예문: A larger time unit (e.g., a month) may be used with a trade-off; it can increase the robustness of detection results, at the cost of longer detection delay and worse detectable granularity for changepoints.